Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Week Two (French)

+ Types of Nouns
        Common Nouns: things and people like maison (house) and fille (daughter). They aren't capitalized.
        Proper Nouns: specific people, geographic places, and sites such as les Alpes (the Alps). However, days, months, religions, and languages are not capitalized in French. Such include samedi (Saturday), janvier (January), le bouddhisme (Buddhism), le françai (French language).
        Compound Nouns: two or more nouns combined. In French, the main idea noun comes first followed by the enhancing noun such as, la Tour Eiffel (the Eiffel Tower).

Common Nouns
  • la ville (the city)
  • le chef (the chef)
  • l'île (the island)
  • la pluie (the rain)
  • la province (the province)
  • le musée (the museum)
  • le palais (the palace)
  • la liberté (the liberty)
Proper Nouns
  • Montréal (Montreal)
  • Bocuse ([French chef Paul] Bocuse)
  • la Martinique (Martinique)
  • la Bretagne (Brittany)
  • Québec (Quebec)
  • le Louvre (the Louvre)
  • l'Elysée (the Elysée [presidential palace])
  • Bartholdi (Bartholdi [sculptor of the Statue of Liberty])
Compound Nouns
  • les chutes du Niagara (Niagara Falls)
  • l'auberge du Pont de Collonges (the Bridges of Collonges Inn)
  • la mer des Caraïbes (the Caribbean Sea)
  • le manteau de pluie (the raincoat)
  • la ville de Québec (Quebec City)
  • la pyramide du Louvre (the Louvre Pyramid)
  • les Champs-Elysées (the Elysian Fields [an avenue in Paris])
  • la statie de la Liberté (the Statue of Liberty)
+ Singular and Plural
  • You can add an "s" to the end of a noun to make it plural, just like in English. But that "s" is usually not pronounced so to distinguish plural from singular in speech, a plural particle must be added before the noun. Observe: la maison (the house) v. les maisons (the houses)
  • If the noun ends in -ou, -eu, or -eau, you add -x instead of -s.
    • le genou (the knee) v. les genoux (the knees)
    • le feu (the fire) v. les feux (the fires)
    • le bureau (the desk) v. les bureaux (the desks)
  • If the noun ends in -al you change -al to -aux to make it plural.
    • le journal (the newspaper) v. les journaux (the newspapers)
    • l'hôpital (the hospital) v.  les hôpitaux (the hospitals)
    • le cheval (the horse) v. le chevaux (the horses)
  • If the nouns ends in an -s, -z, or -x, you don't add anything to it. In this case, the article tells people that the noun is plural.
    • le fils (the son) v. les fils (the sons)
    • le nez (the nose) v. les nez (the noses)
    • l'epoux (the husband, spouse) v. les époux (the spouses, married couple)

+ Accent Marks
  • l'accent aigu (the sharp accent): appears only over the letter 'e'. Resembles an 'a' in the word 'take' - le café (the cafe)
  • l'accent grave (the grave accent): appears over 'e', 'a', or 'u'. however it affects sound only in the letter 'e'. Resembles an open 'eh' sound in the word 'set' - la mère (the mother)
    • For 'a' and 'u', the accent distinguishes the meaning of the words that would otherwise spell the same way.
  • l'accent circonflexe (the circumflex accent): appears over 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u'. It represents a letter (usually 's') that was dropped from the French word centuries ago but may still remain in the related English - l'hôpital (the hospital), le château (the castle), la forêt (the forest), l'intérêt (the interest)
  • le tréma (dieresis): the accent mark indicates that back-to-back vowels are pronounces seperately from each other - naïf (naïve), Noël (Christmas)
  • la cédille (the cedilla): indicates that you pronounce the 'c' as an 's'. If the letter 'c' does not have the cedilla under it and is followed by 'a', 'o', or 'u', then you pronounce it as you would the letter 'k' in 'can' - Commençons (Let's begin).

Friday, May 30, 2014

Week One (Japanese)

Writing Practice #02


Today is also busy. I try to study Japanese a little every day. I studied colours. I like green. I wore a green shirt. Now, I am washing clothes. Also, I am watching "Detective Conan" on the television.




Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Week One (Mandarin)

  • I
  • you
  • good, to be good
  • not
  • to be
  • 老师 teacher
  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five
  • six
  • seven
  • eight
  • nine
  • ten

Week One (Russian)

Unit I Practice Problems

Practice 01: Which Russian pronoun would you use in the following situations?
  1. Talking to your best friend Иван: ты
  2. Asking directions from an older stranger you see on the street: вы
  3. Talking about your brother: он
  4. Talking about yourself: я
  5. Talking about your boss Петров: он
  6. Telling your waiter in a restaurant what you would like to order: я
Practice 02: Which gender is each of the following?
  1. господин: masculine
  2. американка: feminine
  3. госпожа: feminine
  4. журналистка: feminine
  5. журналист: masculine
  6. американец: masculine
Practice 03: Now replace the people in the following list with the appropriate Russian pronoun.
  1. Николай и Наталья: они
  2. Ольга: она
  3. Борис и Джон: они
  4. Yourself and your friends: мы
  5. Джон: он
  6. You (f/m): вы
Practice 04: Which pronoun would you use to address the following? ты / вы?
  1. a child: ты
  2. two students: вы
  3. a waiter/waitress: вы
  4. your sister: ты
  5. your brothers: вы
  6. a police officer: вы
Practice 05: How would you rephrase the following sentences in Russian?
  1. I'm an American (male). Я американец.
  2. I'm a student (female). Я студентка.
  3. He's a student. Он студент.
  4. She's a journalist. Она журналистка.
  5. She's an American. Она американка.
  6. I'm a businessperson (male). Я бизнесмен.
  7. She's Russian. Она русская.
Practice 06: Choose здравствуй or здравствуйте as appropriate to the following situations.
  1. Greeting your tour guide: здравствуйте
  2. Greeting your friends: здравствуйте
  3. Greeting your sister: здравствуй
  4. Greeting a child: здравствуй
  5. Greeting several children: здравствуйте
Practice 07: Choose пойдём or пойдёмте as appropriate to the following situations.
  1. "Let's go" to your colleagues: пойдёмте
  2. "Let's go" to your husband: пойдём
  3. "Let's go" to your daughter: пойдём
  4. "Let's go" to your good friend: пойдём
  5. "Let's go" to your parents: пойдёмте
Practice 08: Ask the following people what their names are. Use informal or formal and provide their answers.
  1. Your fellow traveler on the plane, Natalia. Как вас зовут? Меня зовут Наталья.
  2. Her child, Misha. Как вас зовут? Меня зовут Миша.
  3. Her husband, Nikolai. Как вас зовут? Меня зовут Николай.
  4. Your tour guide, Olga. Как вас зовут? Меня зовут Ольга.
  5. The driver, Vladimir. Как вас зовут? Меня зовут Владимир.
Practice 09: What are the questions being answered?
  1. Я журналистка. Кто вы по профессии?
  2. Я из Москвы. Откуда вы?
  3. Меня зовут Джон. Как вас зовут?
  4. Я бизнесмен. Кто вы по профессии?
  5. Да, я русская. Вы русская?
Practice 10: Answer the question Где вы были? using the cues provided. For numbers 5 and 6, answer the question Откуда вы? using the cues provided.
  1. Америка. Я был в Америке.
  2. Нью-Йорк. Я был в Нью-Йорке.
  3. Москва. Я был в Москве.
  4. Вашингтон. Я был в Вашингтоне.
  5. Москва. Я из Москвы.
  6. Америка. Я из Америки.
Practice 11: Choose the correct Russian numeral for the following nouns (1).
  1. журналистка: одна
  2. бизнесмен: один
  3. месяц: один
  4. университет: один
  5. пиво: одно
  6. студентка: одна
  7. вино: одно
Practice 12: Choose the correct Russian numeral for the following nouns (2).
  1. two females: две
  2. two beers: два
  3. two male Americans: два
  4. two weeks: две
  5. two wines: два
  6. two girls: две
  7. two universities: два
Practice 13: Respond to the following statements saying that you are one of those things too.
  1. Я американка. Я тоже американка.
  2. Я из Америки. Я тоже из Америки.
  3. Я был в Москве. Я тоже была в Москве.
  4. Я бизнесмен. Я тоже бизнесмен.
  5. Мне очень понравилось! Мне очень понравилось тоже!
Practice 14: Place the following Russian numerals in the ascending order.
        семь три пять один девять четыре
        один три четыре пять семь девять

Practice 15: Insert the correct past form of the verb быть in the following sentences.
  1. Наталья Петрова была в Америке.
  2. Джон Брэдли был в Москве.
  3. Джон и Наталья были в Нью-Йорке.
  4. Мы тоже были в Нью-Йорке.
  5. Я была в Петербурге.
  6. Я был в Москве.
Practice 16: What are the plural forms of the following nouns?
  1. студент - студенты
  2. университет - университеты
  3. друг - друзья
  4. бизнесмен - бизнесмены
  5. журналист - журналисты

Week One (Japanese)

Writing Practice #01


Hello. My name is Mariya. I am a university student. Today I swam in the pool. It was quiet there. The water was cool. Later I went to drawing class. Now I am listening to the outside rain. It is magnificent.



Week One (Japanese)

Question Words
なに "what"
        なにをしましょうか。What should we do?
        なにをかいましょうか。What should we buy?
どこ "where"
        あしたどこであさごはんとひるごはんをたべますか。Where will you have breakfast and lunch tomorrow?
        どこのみせですか。Which store is it?
どの "which" (out of three or more choices)
        どのさかなをたべましょうか。Which fish should we eat?
        どのはなをかいましょうか。Which flowers should we buy?
だれ "who" and どなた "who": どなた is more formal
        だれですか。Who is it?
        どなたがすもうがすきですか。Who likes sumo wrestling?
どれ "which one"
        どれがやすいですか。Which one is inexpensive?
        どれをかいましょうか。Which one should we buy?
なん "what" - なに changes to なん before です and の. It can but doesn't have to change before で.
        そのかみはなんですか。What is that paper?
        それはなんおこうこくですか。What advertisement is that?
どう "how" / "how about"
        おてんきはどうでしたか。How was the weather?
        あのきっさてんはどうですか。How about that coffee shop over there?

Conjugation Summary
Present Affirmative - たべます。I eat / I will eat.
Present Negative - たべません。I don't eat / I will not eat.
Past Affirmative - たべました。I ate.
Past Negative - たべませんでした。I didn't eat.

Present Affirmative - おうきいです。It is big.
Present Negative - おうきくありません。It is not big.
Past Affirmative - おうきかったです。It was big.
Past Negative - おうきくありませんでした。It was not big.

Present Affirmative - しずかです。It is quiet.
Present Negative - しずかではありません。It is not quiet.
Past Affirmative - しずかでした。It was quiet.
Past Negative - しずかではありませんでした。It was not quiet.

Noun + Copula
Present Affirmative - がくせいです。I am a student.
Present Negative - がくせいではありません。I am not a student.
Past Affirmative - がくせいでした。I was a student.
Past Negative - がくせいではありませんでした。I was not a student.

Ko-So-A-Do Words
Ko - refers to things at the same place as both the speaker and the listener, or at the same place as the speaker but away from the listener.
So - refers to things near both the speaker and the listener, or at the same place as the listener but away from the speaker.
A - refers to things outside of the immediate reach of both the speaker and the listener.
Do - question words
        このかみ this paper
        そのかみ that paper
        あのかみ that paper over there
        どのかみ which paper

Monday, May 26, 2014

Week One (Japanese)

は: topic of the sentence.
        わたしはがくせいです。I am a student.
へ: to, towards - indicates destination
        しょくどうへいきます。We are going to the cafeteria.
の: possession, relation, location
        やまださんおうちです。This is Mr. Yamada's house.
        こちらはわたしのともだちです。This is my friend.
        とうきょうのだいがくのがくせいです。I am a student at a university in Tokyo.
も: also
        わたしもがくせいです。I am a student also.
        すずきさんもとうきょうえいきません。Ms. Suzuki will not go to Tokyo, either.
No particles with time nouns.
        きょういきません。I am not going today.
を: indicates that the noun it follows receives the action.
        ばんごはんをたべましょうか。Should we eat dinner?
        おちゃをのみましょう。Let's have tea.
で*: at/in
        ぎんざでにほんりょうりをたべませんか。Why don't we eat Japanese cuisine in Ginza?
と: and
        うどんとぎょうざをたべました。I ate noodles and dumplings.
よ: vocative marker
        しまだやのくつはやすいですよ。Shimadaya's shoes are certainly inexpensive.
        すずきさんはデパートへいきましたよ。Ms. Suzuki went to the department store, you know.
けど: but
        すずきさんはでかけますけど、わたしはでかけません。Ms. Suzuki is going out, but I am not.
が: (with subject) emphasis
        わかやぎがつよいです。Wakayagi (sure) is strong. (Emphasis on Wakayagi.)
が: (in an adjectival sentence structure)
        もりさんはすもうがすきです。Mr. Mori likes sumo. (Emphasis on sumo.)
で*: by means of
        エンピツでひらがなとかたかなをかきました。I wrote hiragana and katakana with a pencil.
ね: tag question, expressing personal feeling, or modified slightly ねえ to imply surprise.
        おうきいからだですね。He has a big body, doesn't he?
        このごろわかやぎがつよいですね。Recently, Wakayagi has been strong [in my opinion].
        りっぱなほんですねえ。It's a magnificent book, isn't it? [I am surprised.]
や: combines two or more nouns and implies at least one additional item that has not been mentioned.
        おてらやじんじゃをみました。I saw temples, shrines, and other things like that.
        やまやしょくぶつえんへいきました。I went to the mountains, the botanical garden, and other places.
で*: because of / for
        りょかんおにわがゆきでとてもきれいでした。The garden of the inn was very pretty because of the snow.
が*: when あります "to have", わかります "to understand", and できます "to be able to do" are used, the particle that follows in possession isn't を but が.
        わたしはじかんがあります。I have the time.
        わたしはにほんごがわかります。I understand Japanese.
        ともだちわほんやくができます。My friend can translate [can do translation].
の*: can be used between two nouns to describe time.
        きのうのあさあめがふりました。It rained yesterday morning.